Reading Is Enjoyable (Expository)

The frantic clash of swords, a dry desert, in a galaxy far, far away…reading is enjoyable.

First of all, reading is a way to escape your troubles. Everybody has at least a couple troubles, no matter how small or large. When you dive into a book, all of your troubles wash away; as if it is magical— gone— instantly. It’s not complicated, reading takes you where you want to be.

In addition, reading is the best of the best in entertainment. Your bored… you pick up a book and… instantly your in another place in another time away from your worries(no wires or power buttons required). When you read, your mind shows you what you want to see, and you’re entertained.

Weather your buried in problems or just plain bored, take a brake and read a book. In life everybody (even you) needs to take a brake… so do it!!!

5 thoughts on “Reading Is Enjoyable (Expository)

  1. I agree that reading is enjoyable, but for some reason I have a hard time picking a book. Do you have any suggestions? I also really enjoyed reading your post.

    • Thank you! I have several suggestions; first of all Harry Potter is a must read, as well as The Tapestry series and The Magic Thief. Another angle is to go for The Lord of The Rings, Eragon, The Books of Umber, and a book called Skyship Academy. In addition, you can’t go wrong with Rangers Apprentice or any books by Rick Riordan. Finally, if you want to start reading classics, I recommend starting with Huckleberry Finn. (Sorry about not underlining titles, no option on edublogs)

  2. I agree that reading is fun but you’re exaggerating. It is not in a galaxy far away it’s right on this planet. But I still think you did a good job expressing the concept of reading

    • Thank you, but I think that reading is a different galaxy; your mind is a vast, unlimited space that I believe could be classified as a galaxy.

  3. Reading is fun! It makes me calm and happy! But what I usually do when I want a break is run out in the forest and scream the coyote dens WAKE UP!!!

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