Do you ever wonder why? Just why? Something that has always been why for me is scary movies. Why would somebody want to watch a movie just to freak them out? Why would anyone do anything just to scare them? I’m not exactly sure why, but let me just tell you why you should not!

Just the last night my little sister couldn’t go to sleep and had to sleep in my room. this was  because her friend told her a scary ghost story. On a larger scale I have many friends that claim to not have slept for a week after watching a horror movie. Why would somebody not want to be able to go to sleep?

Second of all, there have been studies on how what you watch, especially on TV, affects what you think, do, and believe. If you watch horror movies all the time, how do you think that will affect what you think, do, and believe? I can tell you this: I don’t think that scary movies will help you think about happy things.

Next time you want to go watch a scary movie, I hope that this makes you think: how is this helping my life? How is this affecting what I think, do, and believe? Just think what you can do with the time you would spend watching that movie. Maybe you could read a good book.